Over the years, the socio-environmental issue has been increasingly important in the BNDES’ operations. Improvements can be noticed in the changes made to its organizational structure, in the strengthening of its institutional performance, in the development and improvement of management policies and practices, as well as in the launching and improvement of financial instruments aimed at socio-environmental development.
See the detailed history:
Establishment of an agreement with the Secretariat of Environment (SEMA) to exchange information.
In line with the National Environmental Program (PNMA)..
Establishment of the Environmental Conservation Program.
Creation of the BNDES’ first environmental unit, through the Environmental Management, connected to the Planning Area.
Active participation in Rio 92 and establishment of the first Environment department.
Joining the UNEP FI initiative, a global partnership between UNEP (United Nations Environment Programme) and the financial sector, including banks, insurance companies, and fund managers.
Joining the Green Protocol, signed by public financial institutions and the Ministry of the Environment, with the purpose of defining pioneering, multiplying, and exemplary banking policies and practices in terms of socio-environmental responsibility and in accordance with sustainable development.
Approval of the BNDES’ Environmental Policy.
Establishment of the financing line Corporate Social Investments (ISE), to support, under favorable conditions, the implementation of social projects by companies.
Establishment of the Meio Ambiente and Proesco financing lines, aimed at supporting energy efficiency projects.
Launch of Refloresta, a program for financial support for commercial planting of forests.
Adherence to the second version of the Green Protocol, a voluntary commitment signed by financial institutions.
Launch of the PMAE Environmental line, for financing the modernization of the state administration in the revenue and fiscal, financial, and asset management sectors.
Launch of the CDM Clean Development Mechanism Equity Investment Fund (FIP).
Approval of the Strategic Planning for the 2009-2014 period, focusing on the “socio-environmental development” item, later incorporated into the corporate strategic map (BSC).
The Bank is pursuing the adoption of favorable financial conditions for social and environmental investments. This year, the BNDES also strengthened the governance of socio-environmental and sustainability aspects and institutionalized the approach to social, environmental and regional aspects through corporate policies and guidelines for operations.
Establishment in partnership with BM&F Bovespa of the Carbon Efficient Index.
Establishment of the Environment Area (AMA).
Establishment of a Department, in the Planning Area, focused on promoting socio-environmental and regional transversal issues in the BNDES’ policies, management and processes.
Approval of the BNDES’ Declaration of Values, highlighting the commitment to development.
Establishment of the Policy for Operating in Surroundings of Projects.
Approval of socio-environmental criteria for support to the Beef Processing and Fossil Fuel Power Plant sectors.
Launch of the Amazon Fund, for non-reimbursable support to actions of prevention, monitoring, and combat of deforestation; and conservation and sustainable use of forests in the Amazon biome.
Launch of the BNDES Mata Atlântica initiative.
New BNDES Florestal financing line, to support reforestation, recovery, and sustainable use of forests.
Launch of the BNDES Forest Compensation financing program.
Creation of the IDFC – International Development Finance Club, focused on sustainable development. The BNDES is one of the founders and currently holds the vice-presidency.
One of the members of the CDM Policy Diaologue Forum, convened by the UN to discuss possible improvements in the Clean Development Mechanism.
Approval of the BNDES’ Corporate Policy for Social and Environmental Responsibility.
Approval of the BNDES’ Socio-Environmental Policy, with procedures for the different stages of the process for granting financial support.
Approval of socio-environmental criteria for support to the sugar and ethanol sector.
Launch of the Sustainable Procurement Policy.
Approval of the Climate Fund Program, to finance projects to reduce the impacts of climate change, with resources from the National Fund on Climate Change, of the Ministry of Environment.
Official sponsor and active participation in the Rio+20 Conference.
Joining the Integrated Reporting Pilot Program (IIRC).
Review of the Corporate Strategic Map (BSC), with emphasis on objectives related to the promotion of sustainability and regional development.
Publishing of the 1st Greenhouse Gas Inventory.
Period of review and creation of tools for financial support and strengthening of socio-environmental responsibility management.
Monitoring and active participation in the surveys that preceded the publication of CMN Resolution 4327/2014, a rule of the National Monetary Council that presents guidelines for the establishment and implementation of the Socio-environmental Responsibility Policy by institutions authorized to operate by the Brazilian Central Bank.
Establishment of the BNDES’ Socio-environmental Sustainability Committee (CSS), composed of Superintendents from several areas of the bank, to promote an effective implementation of the institution’s Social and Environmental Responsibility Policy.
Approval of the Multi-Year Plan for Implementation of the BNDES’ Policy for Social and Environmental Responsibility, for the period 2015 to 2017.
Beggining of the monitoring, by the SSC, of the implementation of the Multi-Year Plan.
Approval of Socio-Environmental Sectorial Policies: a new type of tool for strengthening socio-environmental analysis and monitoring in support of critical sectors. Such documents are aimed at presenting the BNDES’ positioning as to its socio-environmental performance in supporting sectors with the greatest potential to impact society and the environment.
Approval of the first Socio-Environmental Sectorial Policy, aimed at supporting the Mining sector.
Incorporation, in the Socio-environmental Policy, of specific procedures to support the exporting of goods and services.
Inclusion of the concept of socio-environmental risk in the Corporate Operational and Credit Risk Management Policies.
Revision of the PROESCO financing line, renamed Energy Efficiency Line.
Changing the Environment Area (AMA) into the Public and Socio-environmental Management Area (AGS), incorporating responsibilities of departments present in other areas, with emphasis on the themes of Socio-environmental Action Management and Territorial Development, Public Management, and Productive Inclusion.
Last update: August 4, 2021