Governance Reports

BNDES’s Annual Charters of Public Policies and Corporate Governance (Available in Portuguese Only)

The Annual Charter of Public Policy and Corporate Governance explicitly sets out the commitments to achieve public policy objectives, in line with the collective interest that justified the authorization for our creation, with a clear definition of the resources to be used for this purpose, as well as the disclosure of relevant information, especially information related to the activities developed, control structure, risk factors, economic and financial data, management comments on performance, corporate governance policies and practices, and a description of management’s composition and compensation, in order to meet the governance objectives set in Law 13,303/2016.

Risk Management (Available in Portuguese Only)

To access the Risk Management | Pillar 3 reports, click on this link.

BNDESPAR Stewardship Report (Available in Portuguese Only)

Last update: September 9, 2024